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Warrior One
Our popular online course is the HIGHEST RATED on Udemy. With over three hours of course material and engaging assignments your language learning understanding and ability will skyrocket. Normally $49.99, click below to get it for 50% off on Udemy! View a sample HERE.
Warrior Two
The Language Learner Guidebook paired with our online course is a no-brainer. This is unlike any language learning book on the market—it's actually fun to read! It also includes a strategy workbook to raise your probability of success. Read a sample HERE.
Warrior Three
Special Callout
Language Warriors possesses the only Language Map on the market. Paired with the course and the book, the language map will keep you on task with language "missions" every week for a year. Get it for 50% off when you buy all three! Learn more HERE.
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Relax. You can do it.

Learning a language can be daunting. In fact, sometimes it is because you are so smart (you're welcome) that you have a hard time speaking in a less than perfect way. You may feel embarrassed or like a child. We get it. The good news is we know how to help people just like you. Finally, you are going to learn HOW to learn a language not just how to say "cheese". Mmmm, cheese. Wanna see if you've got what it takes to be a Language Warrior? Take our Language Warrior Quiz and find out!

Take Our Language Warrior Quiz!

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Our Principles: The Language Ecosystem

In today's modern world,
immersion is no longer a location
...it is a frame of mind
- Dr. Shane Dixon

Did you know that you can go on language adventures in your own backyard? It's true! Let us introduce you to the language learner ecosystem, a powerful paradigm that will help you find resources all around you. Whether you travel to far off lands, or never leave the comfort of your home, you can harness the power of immersion.

What is a language ecosystem?

Here is our academic definition: A language ecosystem describes a holistic environment that encourages and extends the learning and application of language beyond the classroom through a diverse system of tasks and incentives.

Now let us explain without all the fancy talk: developing an ecosystem means stepping out of the classroom and making a plan (download a free language plan here). Ultimately, you will create an environment that allows language learning to happen in a natural way and soon you will find that language learning is unbelievably fun.

Three Basic Principles of the Language Ecosystem

  1. Immersion can happen wherever you are.

    Some say the only way to learn a language is through immersion, by living in that country. We say that type of immersion, more and more, is fast becoming a lie. We can prove it. Thousands of our students are learning a language not spoken in their native countries. For a great story about how this is happening around the world, read chapter 3 from the Language Learner Guidebook here.
  2. Classroom instruction is overrated.

    We will teach you two ways learners often get things wrong when they attempt to learn a language (the Classroom Trap and the Gouin Effect) and you'll see how ironic it is that language professionals do NOT teach the techniques they use themselves.
  3. Technology has changed the language learning game.

    Never in the history of the world has language learning been more possible. The availability of streaming content, blogs, language websites, language exchanges, and social media means that the online community has become a veritable playground for language learning.

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