The Language Map

Designed by Dr. Shane Dixon, this 16 x 18 map was created especially for Language Warriors. Based on research-driven strategies, yet with a visually motivating Indiana Jones style map, you will find there is nothing else like it! This treasure map will take you through twelve foundational themes (one a month) that will introduce you to different emotional and social aspects to language learning. Within each theme you will be given four specific adventures/challenges. Not only will these challenges help you to stay motivated while learning another language, they will assist you in setting up your own Language Ecosystem, something essential to true language learning. This fun and interactive map will keep you engaged and excited about learning a language long after your friends have given up.
- Beginners trying to learn a language
- Those who have learned a language and want to "brush up"
- Anyone wanting a fun and interactive way to improve or stay active with their language learning skills

Our popular online course is the HIGHEST RATED on Udemy. With over three hours of course material and engaging assignments your language learning understanding and ability will skyrocket. Normally $49.99, click below to get it for 50% off on Udemy! View a sample HERE.

The Language Learner Guidebook paired with our online course is a no-brainer. This is unlike any language learning book on the market—it's actually fun to read! It also includes a strategy workbook to raise your probability of success. Read a sample HERE.

Language Warriors possesses the only Language Map on the market. Paired with the course and the book, the language map will keep you on task with language "missions" every week for a year. Get it for 50% off when you buy all three! Learn more HERE.